BINUS Startup Accelerator Batch 2: Great Idea, Excellent Execution!
Jakarta – On 13th June 2015, BINUS Creates had opened BINUS Startup Accelerator Batch 2 registration for BINUS University active students and alumnae. BINUS Startup Accelerator has several phases before choosing the selected team to join the incubation program. This phases involved people from internal and external BINUS.
Judging Phase
This phase consists of 2 judging perspectives:
1. Bussines Perspective
This phase aims to look business development in the future from business idea from participants in BSA batch 2. In this session, judges seek to find the business viability of the proposal. The judges were Ina Agustini Murwani from Marketing of BINUS International, Deva Setiawan from Business Creation of BINUS University and Nita Felia Pambudi from BINUS Creates.
2. Technology Perspective
This phase aims to look technology applied in business idea, the effectiveness of the technology which will be use in business idea. Aside to looking the mockup and prototype, judges also valued the business scheme provided on the proposal. The judges for this session were Jonathan Samuel Lumentut and Aditya Kurniawan from Computer Sciences of BINUS University, and Christine Siagian from BINUS Creates.
Training Phase
After selecting the best proposal, selected startups were given trainings to enhance their pitch deck and to prepare their presentation for the final day. This phase aimed to give some important informations about startup scene and beyond to selected startups of BSA batch 2.
First training was delivered by Stephen Kohar from Qerja about “Financial Plan & Monetizing”. Not only about financing and monetizing, Kohar also gave reasons about startups life; what are the Dos and Don’ts of choosing career at startup. So, all of the team have the real perception about startup.
Second training was delivered by Domex Mandey from Wavoo with topic of How to Make a Pitch Deck”. This training was to taught participant teams how to make creative pitch deck, what content should be inside a pitch deck and everything about pitch deck.
Third training was delivered by Joshua Kevin from Talenta with the topic of “How to Pitch in English”. Since the final pitch will be in English, this training aimed to get the team prepared to pitch in English. Joshua also gave feedback to all teams pitch deck about what should be prepared for the content of pitch deck.
Final Pitch: Great Idea, Excellent Execution!
The Final Pitch was held on Wednesday, September 30 2015, in Hall of Fame BINUS University Anggrek Campus. This was the final phase where there will be three winner teams who can join 12–week mentoring. In the Final Pitch, which was held along with the Demo Day, the startup finalists of BSA Batch 2 were having a chance to pitch in front of judges and invited guests who come to this event. Startup finalists were given 10 minutes pitching, with 6 minutes presentation and 4 minutes Q&A.
With the judges of five, who are from internal and external BINUS: Ina Murwani from Marketing of BINUS International, Deva Prudensia from Business Creation of BINUS University, Marcellinus Winarta from Strategic Management Yayasan BINA NUSANTARA, William Eka Wijaya from Skystar Capital, and Norman Sasono from Microsoft, BINUS Startup Accelerator finally chose 3 startups ready to be incubated in Batch 2 program: Speaqus, a aggregator platform for training providers and trainers, mobile payment Paybabe, and Mandor, a designers and architects crowdsource platform.
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