BINUS Startup Accelerator: Batch 3
If you :
- are BINUSIAN class of 2016 and above
- already have team of minimum 2 people (1 developer & 1 marketer)
- already have mockup/prototype (tech, in mobile or browser application, can be from assignment) from category below:
- Commerce (e- atau m-)
- Education
- Entertainment
- Lifestyle
- prepare business proposal in PPT, max. of 6 pages, with contents below:
- Market profile (problem identification)
- Ide/produk
- Target market
- How to monetize
- Team
And you guys want to explore your assignments to be business after graduating from BINUS University…. So register your team to BINUS Startup Accelerator to!
More info about BINUS Startup Accelerator batch 3 can be found here
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