Business Research Method Training in A National Banking Company
A state-owned company in the banking industry in Indonesia has an objective to maintain its leadership in the industry and business sustainability by offering the right products for the right customers. In doing so, management has identified Business Research as an area needed to be sharpened. The method adopted in acquiring the proficiency in conducting business research was through a structured workshop held in 3 days.
Business Research Method Training in this case was held in order to enhance the competency in identifying “the root” of the problems and offering “the right” solution to the problem faced by this bank. Ability to conduct research also enables researchers to collect the right data from the right sources needed in the decison making process (Eg. Branch expansion, Product Trends, Internal Assessment, etc). To accomplish the tasks, researchers must be equipped with the right researcher tools and the right way to apply them.
In the program delivery, Binus Creates deployed experts from BINUS University, Bachtiar H. Simamora, MSc., Ph.D. from School of Business management, Ms. Yen Sun, SE, Ak. M.Buss (Bank and Finance) from Faculty of Economic and Communication and Ms. Margaretha Ohyver, S.Si., M.Si. from School of Computer Science to facilitate the workshop. The 3-day workshop covered the training modules based on the flow below:
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